FIND YOUR TUBEThe quick and easy way to find the right tube.The tube filter helps you find the correct tube for your tire.Please note: More than one result is often shown for a tire size.Schwalbe tubes are extremely elastic and fit several tire sizes.STEP 2: CHOOSE YOUR VALVE TYPE.AV (green) Auto, Moto. Length 40 mm.DV (orange) Bicycle, Woods, Hollands. Length 32 mm or 40 mm.SV (red) Sclaverand, Presta, French. Length 40 mm.SV Extra long (yellow) Sclaverand, Presta, French. Length 50 mm / 60 mm / 80 mm.STANDARDHolds air considerably longer. Thanks to outstanding material quality and a uniform wall thickness.Superbly reliable and tested over a million times.AIR PLUS "NEW"Retains air even longer thanks to thicker walls. You will rarely need your pump.Excellent, above-average resistance to punctures.EXTRALIGHTExtremely light. When every gram counts. Available in selected sizesXXLIGHTExtremely light. Only for a very few sizes.FREERIDELarge volume. Low Weight.DOWNHILLExtremely robust. A reinforced rubber valve base prevents a valve shearing off.Designed for downhill sizes. Riders that set store by a large volume with a low weight should select Freeride or Extralight.Applicable Tyre Sizes:40-406 - 20 x 1.5047-406 - 20 x 1.7550-406 - 20 x 2.0054-406 - 20 x 2.1057-406 - 20 x 2.12560-406 - 20 x 2.3562-406 - 20 x 2.5054-428 - 20 x 2.00